Sunday 27 January 2008

January 26th 2008 - San Antonio

Time to get back on the road to San Antonio. It’s another short drive and we’ve been told it’s a cool little venue so we’re all looking forward to it…. all of us apart from Scott who has a pretty bad cold and has been sick a few times. The road takes it’s toll on everyone at some point, and the hard part is trying to contain it in one person. Vitamin supplements, honey and lemon, some Chinese medicine stuff and anything else we can get our hands on to keep us healthy is welcomed.

It’s around 8pm when we arrive at the venue. It really is an old school punk bar (shit hole) and I for one can’t wait to tear it up. We are met by the promoter Richie who is the most glam looking man I have seen since the last poison video was released – leopard print spandex and pink gloves…… legend! He takes us back to his place ‘the glam cave’ for some food and drink that he has prepared. Where do you ever get that kind of treatment in the UK? Nowhere! Scott, Skee and I have time to get a quick shower and then it’s back to the venue. Not sure how much detail I should go into about the glam cave cause I don’t want parents and loved ones to worry about us – you’ll just have to trust me when I tell you we stayed away from the variety of substances on offer at this place and well away from the 17 year old girl who somehow tagged along and was so far out of it she may as well have been on another planet. This rock stuff is all becoming more clichéd that even we thought it could be. Brilliant.

Back at the venue we are introduced to more friends of Richie (who is still trying to get all of us including Dan to do shots with him) and soon it’s time to get on stage. It’s a small stage so it feels nice and intimate. We’re not sure how well we will be received as it is clearly a punk crowd – but this just makes us play more aggressively and get right up in their faces and it works because they all come to the front of the stage and rock out. It feels good and I think we play one of our best gigs of the tour. Scott lasts the whole set without puking which was good, and Freddie, who has been dead all day, comes to life as the music starts. It’s all over way to quickly. We get another chance to take the stage when Johnny invites us all up for an impromptu jam session – all except Dan who was hiding on the bus.

Time has flown by and it turns out we didn’t actually take the stage until after 12am – time is just never an issue here. We leave the bar around 3am and head straight to an Ihop pancake place to get some food. We all order full breakfasts and never stop to think that it is a bit strange to be eating breakfast before we go to bed….. I love this life!

Back to the bus and the bunks around 4:30am to get some sleep before we make the drive to Austin for our next gig. Today was another good gig in another great town on this string of Texas dates. Texas LOVES to rock. I have never experienced such positive feedback from people – even the venue owners are genuinely happy that we played for them – not the other way round like back in the UK where we are expected to be happy for being given the opportunity to play at someone’s venue. Here they appreciate that we are working musicians that are doing something for their venue – and that is very refreshing.


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