Wednesday 6 February 2008

February 3rd

Today I am up and awake with the rest of the band, which is the first time for a few days. We go inside the venue and clean ourselves up and then relax for a while with a nice cup of tea - and guess what? this place does actually get one thing right - a proper cup of tea!

Time is rolling on pretty fast and today is actually Superbowl Sunday - and the Superbowl is actually taking place in Phoenix so it is going to get very busy soon. The next gig is in two days time so we have a few options.

The decision is made to head back to L.A asap so that we can all get some much needed rest and recouperation to ensure San Diego is a success. The drive is going to take 10 hours, but Johnny is confident he can do it and we're not gonna argue. So we set off........

At this point, despite the fact there are still more gigs (2 more), heading back to L.A starts to make us all get that sinking feeling.... the feeling that it could be over soon. This is gonna be the last time we're all on the tour bus together cause we'll use vans when we get back. It's not enough to bring a tear to the eye yet - but it is the first time all of us have seen the end in sight. Damn it!

The drive back is pretty uneventful and Johnny only stops twice to briefly empty his bladder, despite having to battle constantly with the extreme winds and rain that batter the bus throughout the journey, and before you know it we are back at the loft and emptying the bus of our belongings and bunk foams (which we need to sleep on at the loft). I get a herbal bath and we all enjoy a nice beef stew that Johnny's wife has made for us.

After checking emails etc everyone gradually slips off to sleep. Tomorrow is a day off, so we're gonna go and check out some sites around Hollywood.


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