Sunday, 3 February 2008

The road takes it's toll.....

Firstly, apologies for not responding to any emails, texts, facebooks etc etc. Basically I have been ill since Jan 31st and the past 3 days haven't really been able to get out of my bunk. I missed most of the journey from El Paso to Phoenix, and couldn't even tell you what Phoenix looks like to be honest. My throat is like a gravel pit, I have a temperature mixed with shivers and I have just eaten my first solid food (its now 11:55pm on Feb 3rd) since lunch time on Jan 31st. I feel like death.

The worst part about this hasn't been the illness, it's been having to cut the set down to 6 songs and only managing to do that with the help of Freddie singing the full lead vocals with me and Ash doing twice as much backing vocal. Last night in Phoenix was our biggest and best crowd yet and I can't explain how disappointing it was to have to end it early and feel like the weak link dragging the band down. I retired to my bunk almost immediately after our set and left the others to bask in the glory of a job well done by them. The gig was at an English pub called the George & Dragon - as themed pubs go, they didn't do too badly here.

The plan today was to go to San Diego for our gig on Jan 5th but Johnny decided it was best for us to head back to his place in LA and get some real rest and recoup time and then drive to San Diego on the say of the gig. When we arrived here a couple of hours ago we were greeted with some freshly made stew, and Johnny ran me a steaming hot herbal bath and everyone left me to soak whilst they started getting stuff in from the bus - thanks guys!

I'm feeling like I'm on the road to recovery and I hope I'm back to 100% by the time we play in 48 hours cause it's been recorded for a live CD - and we know it's going to be a busy (and possibly the last) gig.

Time for bed....


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